Change Your Vision!
In the Spring of 1995, God spoke to us individually during the same class while students at Christ For The Nations Institute (CFNI). God told us to change our vision from “one nation” to “the nations of the world.” We had planned to return to Namibia and start a Bible School, but God changed our plans when we were invited to stay on at CFNI to help develop the CFN Association of Bible Schools.
This redirection from the Lord has given us the opportunity to help start or strengthen more than 45 Bible Schools in 29 nations!
We have also been privileged to teach several courses at CFNI, including Establishing a Bible School, Bible Background, Research & Strategy for Reaching the Unreached, Ministry Leadership and Administration, Intro to Nonprofit Management, God’s Global Purpose, and Cross-Cultural Communication. We also developed a video course, Missions Foundations, for a Bible School in Canada.
Our years of service at Christ For The Nations have provided a wealth of experience in ministry management and administration. We’ve been privileged to collaborate with several international Bible Schools and ministry leaders in the US and more than 80 countries.
We gained a new understanding and vision for mobilizing the Body of Christ for world missions when we took the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Course. Our association with Dr. Howard Foltz, professor emeritus at Regent University and founder of AIMS, expanded our passion for reaching Unreached People Groups.
In July 2000, we launched a nonprofit organization, Global Equippers, to pursue our passion for strengthening Bible Schools worldwide. Our vision is to see thousands of students equipped and empowered to accomplish their God-given destiny within God’s global purpose.
We believe that:
- Bible Schools are the best environments to nurture godly character, establish young men and women in the Word of God, and equip them for Kingdom impact.
- Students are an energetic and zealous Missions force that God is releasing into the world today.
- Bible Schools are strategic partners with the local church to engage Believers in Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations.
- Global Equippers is fulfilling a vital role in what God is doing in Bible schools as part of His global plan.