May 2023 Update
“For Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised.” Psalm 96:4 ESV
We have many reasons to praise the Lord, in addition to the fact that God is great! God is good. God is compassionate. He is just. He is Truth, and He is Love. Of course, God is more than all these things, and we rejoice in all He is to us and for us!
We’d like to share a quick update about what is happening in our lives.
Christ For The Nations
At Christ For The Nations, Nickie is being stretched with the new responsibility he has been given to manage the CFN Association of Bible Schools in addition to the work he already does with the Native Church Program. He loves the interaction with these great leaders all around the world as he engages with how CFN can be a blessing to them for the cause of Christ.
He just returned from a quick weekend trip to Mexico City, Mexico, where he shared at the Commencement service for a CFN-associated Bible School and spoke at a local congregation about missions. It is always a joy to mobilize the Body of Christ for each member’s unique engagement in fulfilling the Great Commission!
Nickie is also preparing for the Cross-Cultural Communication course he will teach again in the Fall semester. He loves to spend time with the students and help them grow in their relationships with people of other cultures and be better prepared for missionary service if that is where God may be calling them.
Bible College Consultation
Sandi continues to consult with the Bible College leaders in Zimbabwe and Malawi. Her Establishing a Bible College manual has proven to be a great blessing to these leaders. She is also updating this resource to make it even more effective.
Upgrading Our Website and Rebranding
In answer to our prayer, God has provided a former student of Sandi’s to help upgrade the Global Equippers website!
Hannah has asked some great questions about what we do and what God has already done through Global Equippers. This has been a very encouraging exercise to see the faithfulness of the Lord over the past 23 years of ministry through this organization. We have been privileged to serve 45 Bible Schools in 29 countries and more than 25 churches in 20 countries! We’re quite astounded to see all that God has done! As we upgrade the website, we’re also rebranding and have developed a new logo, which our friend Carlos Cazares helped us with. He is an amazing artist and designer, and we are grateful for his help.
Sandi’s Ph.D. Studies
Sandi is also working hard on her research as a Ph.D. student at Trinity Bible College and Graduate School.
She enjoys digging into the literature about the collaboration between the Local Church, the missionary enterprise, and Bible colleges in fulfilling the Great Commission.
We are already seeing how her studies add depth to our work in Global Equippers. We are grateful for this opportunity for her to do this doctoral work, especially seeing how it aligns with our life’s calling and ministry through Global Equippers.
Upcoming Ministry Trips
In the coming months, we’re looking forward to the possibility of a return visit to Zimbabwe and Malawi and perhaps visiting Romania to teach on Missions at a Christ For The Nations Bible School. We’ll keep you updated as the Lord opens these doors.
Thank you for your interest in what God is doing in our lives. We ask for your prayers! If God is leading you to support us in this work, we welcome your partnership.
May the Lord richly bless you and grant you much grace and overflowing joy.
For the glory of Christ in all nations!
Nickie and Sandi