The Local Church – God’s Strategy for Saving the World!

The Church – Declaring and Demonstrating God’s Glory

God loves the local church! And His intention for the local church is that she is the primary institution in every community on earth to demonstrate and declare His glory. He has chosen no other mechanism or structure – it is the Church that He has ordained!

“The Church, as God designed her to be, is stunningly beautiful. She is the visible body in whom Christ resides, the fullest manifestation of him on earth until he returns in glory (Eph. 1:22-23). She is a bride-to-be, an exquisitely delightful young woman being prepared by the Father for marriage to His Son (Eph. 5:31-32, Rev. 21:1-2). Churches are magnificent. There must be more of them everywhere!”[1]

The Church is Magnificent

Indeed, the Church is magnificent. She is Christ’s earthly Body. She is His Bride. She is God’s Elect. Christ loves the Church. Jesus will build His Church[2]. Christ will present her “to Himself with splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”[3]

Scripture definitively affirms her place of honor and purpose in God’s eternal plan. Jesus declared that all the powers in Hell would not conquer His Church[4]. She will be victorious, spotless, and she surely will fulfill her God-ordained destiny!

The Great Commission Mandate for Every Believer

A major part of the destiny that God has for every local church is the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all nations. The last words that Jesus spoke to His disciples before ascending to Heaven were a promise of Holy Spirit power so that they would be His witnesses in “Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”[5] Certainly this promise of power to be His witnesses in all the earth is for every member of the Church! And most definitely, the Great Commission is a mandate for every Believer. Each local church must therefore provide opportunity and equipping of the Saints so that they can fulfill their Great Commission destiny.

For some congregations this may seem an overwhelming or challenging task especially in light of all the varied ministry demands that come with shepherding God’s flock. Some local churches may be engaging in effective evangelistic efforts in the local community, or even have successfully attempted short-term overseas outreaches. For the most part though, the average congregation happily engages in prayer for missionaries and may even financially support a number of missionaries in various parts of the world. There are others who may include additional missions activities such as hosting a missionary guest speaker, regular prayer concerts, or an annual missions conference.

Increase the Missions Quotient of Your Local Church

As a local church pastor or leader you may desire to more effectively engage your congregation with God’s heart for the peoples of the world. Perhaps you desire to participate in training church leaders overseas or to actively pursue church planting among an unreached people group. Perhaps you simply want to begin an intentional effort to instill a passion for world missions in the hearts of those that God has entrusted to your care.

Global Equippers stands ready to assist you to evaluate your current missions engagement and offer training and consultation to help you expand your missions vision and initiatives for greater effectiveness.

Nickie and Sandi Geldenhuys, ordained members of the CFNFMC since 1998, and founders of the organization, Global Equippers, have a passion to equip every member of the Body of Christ to fulfill their unique role in the Great Commission. They would love to assist you gain a thorough biblical basis for God’s heart for unreached people groups, and equip you with effective strategies to mobilize your congregation in global missions.

Sandi developed and taught the CFNI Global Missions major core course, Research and Strategy for Reaching the Unreached, as well as the missions introductory course, God’s Global Purpose. Your church can benefit from these and other training materials and be equipped to engage the unreached by partnering with Global Equippers. If you would like to have them assist you to grow your congregation’s Missions Quotient and engagement, please contact Sandi at

A Local Church in Every People Group!

Together we can see every member of the Bride of Christ rise up to his or her full stature of joyful obedience to Jesus. Together we can see the Church established in every people group, even among those nations that have not yet heard! Jesus will return for a triumphant, multi-national, glorious Bride, drawn from every tribe and language, people and nation![6] Together we can see the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan – a glorious Church, representing every people on earth, worshipping as one before the Throne.[7] May our heart’s cry and eternal pursuit be, “Worthy is the Lamb!”

[1] George Miley, Loving the Church… Blessing the Nations, (Authentic Media, Waynesboro, GA), 20.

[2] Ephesians 1:23; Revelation 21:1-3; 1 Peter 1:1; Ephesians 5:25; Matthew 16:18

[3] Ephesians 5:27

[4] Matthew 16:18

[5] Acts 1:8

[6] Revelation 5:9-14

[7] Revelation 7:9-10