Preaching the Good News

Preaching the Good News about the Kingdom to all nations in the whole world is quite an undertaking! But that is exactly what we have been called to do as the Body of Christ. We are so grateful that God has called us to mobilize the church to share this Good News in the nations. We love working with Bible Colleges to prepare the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-13).

Malawi Bible School Leaders – Update

When we last wrote, we anticipated that Pastors Christopher and Penjani Nyasulu would be able to visit us here in the US during April. The Lord worked a miracle for Christopher to obtain his passport renewal very quickly, but unfortunately, the US Embassy proved to be a roadblock! The US Embassy in Malawi opens only once a week to issue visas, and the earliest they can get an appointment is in November! So, we trust that God has better plans for them, and they will come to the US in His good timing. We continue working with Pastor Christopher and his team to develop a strategic plan for completing the building project and launching the Bible College as soon as the building is completed. We invite you to pray about how you can participate in this vital leadership training project in Malawi.

Zimbabwe: Goshen International Bible College

The Bible College in Zimbabwe is progressing well, and its Council has become more engaged in its growth. Each member has been assigned a particular portfolio of responsibilities.

Pastor Enock Mutsambiwa, the Principal, provides excellent leadership for the college and has a great team of administrators and faculty working alongside him. They are engaging with the local Faith In God Ministries’ churches to promote the college and recruit new students. We are assisting with growing their library and providing quality books. We welcome your generous gift to cover the costs of shipping books to Zimbabwe for their library!

Christ For The Nations

We are working together on reinvigorating the CFN Association of Bible Schools, including planning for future gatherings of Bible School directors and developing a much-needed core curriculum. We fondly remember the African Bible School Directors conference we hosted in 2008, where all the schools in Africa at the time gathered for a few days of refreshing, connection, and equipping. We hope we will soon be able to host similar events like these for CFNI in many parts of the world.

Sandi’s Doctoral Studies

Sandi’s doctoral studies with Trinity Bible College and Graduate School are progressing well. She enjoys her research but is challenged by the demands of lots of reading and working on her dissertation. We continue to see the hand of the Lord as she encounters material relevant to our work. We are confident that her studies will enrich and equip us to serve international Bible Colleges more effectively.

On The Home Front

We are thankful for our many blessings because of the work God allows us to do around the world and because of our connection to Christ For The Nations. We are privileged to have family living close by on the CFNI campus—Sandi’s mom lives in the same apartment complex, so we get to visit with her every day. At almost 84 years of age, she is in good health and still does her own cooking and taking care of her apartment. Of course, we help with things as needed, but we are glad she can maintain her independence for as long as she desires. Sandi’s youngest sister and her husband, and Sandi’s niece, her husband, and four daughters also live on the campus. We are happy to have them nearby and enjoy seeing them as often as we can.

Global Opportunities

What a blessing it is to invest in the training and equipping of emerging Kingdom leaders around the world. Would you please pray about partnering with us to strengthen international Bible Colleges for their unique role in raising up godly Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered leaders? Your gift will have an eternal impact and change nations for God’s glory.

Please consider sowing into the Malawi Bible College Building project, shipping quality Library books to Africa, investing in Kingdom leadership training in the nations, or supporting us in the work God has called us to do through Global Equippers. We also ask for your ongoing prayer support. We can’t do this without you! Thank you.

For the glory of Christ in all nations!

Nickie and Sandi